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Dearworld World Map



DearWorld by Palomar is a globe that makes you trace your personal travel experience. It invites you to mark the places you have visited and the ones that are on your wishlist.

This product is suggested for

Anniversary, At Home, Birthday.


DearWorld by Palomar is a globe that makes you trace your personal travel experience. It invites you to mark the places you have visited and the ones that are on your wishlist. At first this globe looks bi-dimensional, like an atlas. It takes just a few seconds to turn it into a three-dimensional object. The globe is made of a special high quality materic cardboard by Cordenons and the graphics enhance the paper’s preciousness, tactile quality and texture. You can choose between two cartographic options: the map of the world with city names – and no borders – or the map with country names and borders. Both simple and sophisticated, DearWorld stands up on its own without needing any support; it is very light but solid and it can be placed anywhere: on a table, on a bookcase, even on the floor


Ø 21CM

Cordenons Wild special Cardboard with 35% cotton in the natural fibers. High Quality Silkscreen printing with non-toxic inks.

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