For your very special occasions, Armando al Pantheon has created his most iconic heart-shaped cake. A unique and timeless dessert, for a sweet moment to share with your partner.
Legend has it that once upon a time there was a chef in a black jacket, which is why he was nicknamed Blecchescieffe, in the Anglo-Roman language!
On one of those winter nights that made your teeth chatter, sleep and produce ideas, he decided to create the cake he wanted as perfect as the chorus of a starling. He took all the ingredients he had in the pantry and imagined creating a traditional and unique dessert together.
So he put ricotta, flour and strawberry jam in it and used honey instead of sugar, because it was the food dear to the gods.
A round cake came out of the pastry, so soft that, as soon as it was baked, it could be eaten with a spoon.
Legend has it that the next morning of the cake there was no trace left but a smile of icing sugar stood out cheerfully on the face of an ancient Roman oil painting on a picture on the kitchen wall.
This is why Il Blecchescieffe baptized it Ancient Rome, the cake of Rome that the Romans like ... even the ancient ones.
Book your limited edition heart-shaped ancient Rome cake now and Cosaporto will bring it to you wherever you want ... and then you just have to taste it!
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