An invite to visit friends, a romantic dinner, a birthday present;The question is always the same: What should I bring? (COSAPORTO in Italian).
Don’t settle for the usual bottle of wine, last minute bunch of flowers or the cake from your corner shop.
Cosaporto lets you pick the cream of the crop from the best shops in Rome, Milan and Turin, among patisseries, flower shops, artisan stores and gourmet ice cream parlours, and have it delivered, for the same price as in the shop, to you, or your friend’s home, choosing the delivery time and adding a personalised message.
Deliveries are possible within two hours across the city.

There are plenty of choices for those who have specific tastes and requirements;
they also offer corporate gifts, catering and a coffee break service. It is also possible to host gift lists online: you choose a product, and everyone pays a portion directly on the website.
Cosaporto operates in Rome, Milan and Turin, meeting every client’s needs with an immediate response thanks to their specialized customer service, which takes on the role of a true luxury concierge.

Cosaporto’s mission is to save people time so they can do the things they love without having to sacrifice Quality and Elegance.
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